David Prieto

Monday, April 22, 2013

Nested replies with unlimited levels that (still) keep the conversation simple.

Every time I hear someone ask for nested replies on Google+, I'm torn. On one hand I don't really like how they branch the conversation, making it harder to follow. On the other, it is true that they are useful when the conversation really needs to be branched because a particular comment brings something new to the table.

It turns out there's a way to have the best of both worlds, and the key is in Google+ Comments. You have probably noticed that blog comments have two levels: the first level ones are actually Google+ posts with a link to the blog post, and the second level ones are actually Google+ comments.

Here's an article in Blogger's official blog. It has a level 1 comment with a couple nested comments inside it.

But when we visit Google+ we discover it's just a Google+ post with the link, and a couple comments inside. The point here is that a post and a comment can be basically the same thing. But if we look at them closely we se that comments are second-class citizens in Google+:

Now, what if you could click the second link to be taken to +Phil Oakley's comment? What if clicking it took you here?

The basic idea is that a comment is really a post pointing to another post and therefore it can be plus oned, shared and yes, replied to. You can see in the mockup how I'm writing a reply to Phil's comment, thus branching the conversation. My reply would also be a post and could in turn be replied to, and the conversation on +Anuj Ahooja's original post would remain simple because my reply, being off-topic and only related to Phil's comment, would not appear there.

The idea is, let's suppose I read Anuj's post and its comments, and I have something to say. If I feel that it's related to what Anuj said I can just use the "Add a comment" box and be done with it. But if it only relates to what Phil said I can open his post and write my comment there, or use a "Go off-topic" button:

Either I would keep Anuj's simple and free of unrelated comments while giving me the possibility to expand on Phil's idea and discuss our thoughts:

And, of course, this would allow anyone to go off-topic on my comment without bothering Phil's commenters.

Would you like to have something like this? Do you see any problems with it? Don't forget to leave a comment!

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